Saturday, August 24, 2013

Color Run in Cincinnati

The Happiest 5k on the planet... THE COLOR RUN! I decided to run it with my friend and her family. Though we didn't run the entire time, it was nice to walk and enjoy all the happiness around you. Not everybody ran, and everybody was okay with it!  It was so joyful to be around people so happy just for running (or walking)! I can't wait to do it again next year!

The aftermath on my hands and arms were insane.

See the colors in the air? They gave you a bag with color 
in it and you threw it up in the air when they told you too!

"I don't care, I love it."

Michigan and Chicago!

As my friends and I start going our separate ways to college, I reflect on one of the best weeks I had with them. We went up to Michigan for a week and took a day trip to Chicago!

The beach was so perfect.

We saw tons of butterflies! :)

Chicago for the day! The Bean!

Michigan was so beyond beautiful.

I got to take a few maternity pictures at the beach!

Now for all the sunset pictures... Are you ready?

Sweet restaurant where we ate on the last day!

Yay for the beach!