Tuesday, October 29, 2013


This past weekend I went adventuring with one of my best friends, Landon. Since we're dating now, he wanted pictures of us together, but I don't like my picture being taken very much, so I was just doing my thing and taking pictures of everything else. Here are a few of my favorite from our adventure.

We went to Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park where his twin sister, Leah, and I went during the summer time. It's awesome how much nature changes over the seasons. This adventure was during the fall, so there weren't as much flowers, but the leaves were changing colors and the trees were pretty and the park started putting up Christmas lights! So be expecting a post around winter time at this same park!

I started putting my logo up on my pictures :)

See, told ya.  Christmas lights.

While I was taking this picture, Landon was taking a picture of me. He's sneaky.

Every time I come to this park I always make the person I come with take a picture next to this man. This was Landon's turn.

This tree was the only one with orange leaves. But how cool does it look!

Landon took this photo. He edited it and everything. Even if I hate my picture being taken, I do love a good photo. And this is a goodie!

Okay so here's this picture again, but look at my logo! Landon was telling me how he could make a watermark for me and he did! How awesome is he? But he put one of my favorite things in the whole world on it, a butterfly! And he still kept my name how I wanted it. Yes, I know, he's a keeper. :)

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Introducing Mr.& Mrs. Roy

This weekend my best friend, my partner in crime since '95, MY COUSIN got married to the man that makes her the happiest she's ever been. The bridesmaids got there at 11 am while the guys just lounged around until 1 pm when they were supposed to get ready. It was so wonderful being a part of her bridal party. I've become really close with her over the past few months and I'm so happy I could be there for her on her special day.
Here are some of the few pictures I was able to take. I had to get ready myself and she also had a photographer there and I didn't want to take up all the goodies!

Here's the link to the photographer at the wedding: http://mykindofyellow.blogspot.com/2013/10/pretty-brides-puppy-teeth.html .

She hasn't put up the photos from the wedding yet, but I will be sure to post the link when she does!

Okay, so my cousin made all of the center pieces and the cups for the bridal party. She worked so hard on them and all of her hard work paid off. Everybody loved them! We set up the reception room the night before and with almost all of the bridesmaids helping, we got done in just a few hours!

This is the day of the wedding, bright and early at 11 am. Aleshia, the maid of honor did Hailey's hair and was done in enough time to get ready herself.

Hailey did her own makeup because it was way cheaper!

That's Hailey's mom, Lisa. She couldn't have been more proud of her daughter.

Hailey couldn't put on her shoes so her mom had to help her. And see that girl in the back with the pretty hair, that's Celeste. She's one of the bridesmaids. She helped fixed Hailey's dress to make it fit how Hailey wanted it.

This is after she was done getting ready.
She couldn't stop smiling and looking at herself in the mirror.
Now her smile-- pure happiness.

Getting a few pictures before she's officially Mrs. Roy!

My absolute favorite of her. She was stunning.

Aleshia made all of the bouquets.
She even made the burlap roses! How awesome is that?!

One of Hailey's close friends face timed Hailey right before her dad came in for the first look. She was very emotional because this friend is down in Texas right now for Airforce Tech school. It was a very emotional time for everyone that hasn't seen her in a while.

That's her dad, Dean. Hailey was already in tears from face timing her friend and just seeing her dad made her even more emotional.

The bridal party!
Left to Right: The bride herself, Hailey, the MOH (Aleshia,) Celese, me, Kaylee, and Leah

The lovely bride and I!

Leah and I taking selfies before the wedding...


Got a picture with my best friend :)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Union County Homecoming 2013

This past weekend was one of my brother's homecoming. Since Josh didn't get to go to his own because he simply didn't want to, Jacob suggested that he go with a friend of their's, Renee. Renee agreed so he tagged along with their group.

(Sorry for the quality of the photos! The lighting in the house wasn't that great and turning on the flash just gives the photo a fluorescent color and red eyes and I couldn't do that to this fantastic looking group!)

Left to Right: Devin, Jacob, Josh and Will

Straight off my camera, this is someone else's flash!

Pretty Girls...
Left to Right: Emily. Ally, Anna and Renee

Had to get a picture of my all time favorite couple!

Group picture!

Devin and Emily

Will and Ally

Anna and Jacob

Josh and Renee

Brother picture!

My baby brothers who aren't so baby-ish anymore and I!

Erik wanted a picture with Anna

A funny picture?