Thursday, January 29, 2015

Gabi | Senior (Full Post)

Hello world, yes I am still alive. In the past month I have:
-finished my first semester of my second year of college
-finished about 3+ sessions of photography
-worked a ton more
I worked really hard on all of those things and with that being said, one thing had to take a small break and that was my blog :( But now since I am back in school and have taken on a smaller load on my plate, I am able to continue blogging on a monthly basis!

So enough about me, on to the Gabs!

This is the full post on Gabi! She is a senior at Talawanda High School, a saxaphone-ist on the marching band, part of the mock trial team, and helps out with kids with disabilities after school! Gabi is one of my best friends, and she has been since her freshman year of high school. It was an honor taking her senior pictures and capturing her beauty!

Happy Thursday!

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